December 7, 2010

16-bit LaTeX

After some Google magic, I found out something rather upsetting about the LaTeX typesetting system... More
December 2, 2010

Multilingualism and MATLAB

...I immediately tried to design the estimation function to accept another function as an argument to be evaluated later. In a language with first-class functions, this would be trivial; MATLAB, unfortunately, is not such a language. More
November 25, 2010

Keeping in focus's incredibly important to make your interface as intuitive as possible. More
October 11, 2010

I thought I was done with CPS

I stumbled across a couple blog posts the other day talking about applying continuation-passing style (CPS) in Objective-C. More
September 27, 2010

XML and Cocoa

The first instinct of a lot of coders would have (including a couple people I asked) would be to use regular expressions. However, as any StackOverflow regular knows, applying a regex to XHTML summons the dark god Chthulu... More